Golf Format and Pairings
Our group tries to accommodate golfers of all levels and interests; As a singles group, we attempt to have an equal number of men and women participate in any event, and golf pairings are normally male and female, with 2 men and 2 women in each foursome. While an event coordinator can occasionally accommodate playing partner requests, the intent of our group is to socialize and mingle with everyone in the group. The event coordinator is responsible for the golf format as well as the golf pairings.
Event Signup Policy
Signup for most events is on a first come/first serve basis. For an event where advanced payment is required, the first come/first serve policy is based on receipt of payment; otherwise it is based on receipt of intent to participate. The event coordinator will post an announcement via our group email when an event is open for signup. This notification will indicate the proper procedure for event signup. Individuals should signup a soon as possible however your spot is not guaranteed until payment is recieved.
Cancellation Policy
For many of our golf events, the Chapter is required to pay the golf course for all tee times that we have reserved. In many of these cases, the Chapter is responsible for these expenses regardless of whether the tee times are used. As a result, the Chapter has the following policy regarding event reservations and cancellations.
Most events will require advanced payment in order to reserve a spot.
Most events will also have a cancellation date, allowing cancellation with a full refund of prepayment, this will also be specified in the event notification.
Individuals who cancel prior to the cancellation date will receive a full refund.
Individuals who cancel after the cancellation date, are responsible for finding their own replacement, this is not the event coordinator's responsibility.
Individuals who cancel after the cancellation date, and are unable to find a replacement, will forfeit their advance payment if the Chapter is required to pay for their reservation.
No shows will forfeit their advance payment if the Chapter is required to pay for their reservation.
Individuals are always responsible for any expenses incurred by the group on their behalf.
The Chapter will not reserve tee times without proper advance payment, we cannot accept promises to pay.
We know that there will be times when people need to cancel their event reservations, and the Chapter will do everything it can to accommodate these cancellation requests. Anyone needing to cancel a reservation should notify the event coordinator as soon as possible, this will reduce the individuals risk of financial obligation, and make life easier for the event coordinator.
Golf Rules
All members and guests are expected to know and follow common USGA golf rules and regulations, unless otherwise specified in an event notice, or as indicated in our Pace of Play policies listed below. This includes proper score keeping, proper equipment, order of play, rules for lost ball and water hazards, etc. These are explained in the USGA Rules of Golf, and can be found on the US Golf Association web site - http://www.usga.com/.
Golf Etiquette
All members and guests are expected to know and follow the common rules of golf etiquette. This includes such things as player safety, consideration for others, pace of play and care of the course. These are explained in the USGA Rules of Golf, and can be found on the US Golf Association web site - http://www.usga.com/.
Times have changed and accepted practices on the course is no different. More and more golfers are playing music during a round. The rules of golf do allow for the listening of music during play. USGA rule 4.3a(4) states ... listening to music or other audio to eliminate distractions or to help with swing tempo ... is not allowed. However all other music is permitted. Member are highly encouraged to use ear buds/headphones during the course of play. Be courteous to those in you foursome and attempt to come to a consensus before the round on the listening of music on the course.
Pace of Play
Pace of play is probably one of the most important issues with a group like ours. In large outings, with players of different skill levels, it can be hard to maintain a proper pace of play. However, the golf courses expect us to play at a normal pace, and could refuse to rebook our group due to slow play. It is also unfair to those with later tee times to unnecessarily delay their game, and spoil their enjoyment. Pace of play does not have to be a barrier to having fun; simply following a few basic guidelines can ensure fast play, and increase the enjoyment of the game of golf for everyone.
The following guidelines should help our group maintain a reasonable pace of play, and should be followed by all (some of these guidelines supersede USGA rules):
Always be ready to play when it is your turn
Leave the green as soon as your group has finished putting
Try to park carts at the back of the green to facilitate a speedy exit to the next hole
When possible try to watch and track your partners shot
Don't spend more than 3 minutes trying to find a lost ball
Only help others find their ball if it will not delay your own play
If you lose a ball, or find that you have hit your ball out of bounds once you get to your ball, hit your next shot at that spot, with one stroke penalty - do not go back to the previous spot to re-hit your shot (this policy supercedes USGA rules, but conforms to most golf course rules for recreational golf)
Encourage fellow golfers to speed up play if you are falling behind
When falling behind, play ready golf, it is not necessary to let the low net player tee off first
When falling behind, it is okay to putt out even if you are not away, although care should be taken not to stand in another player's line (this policy supersedes USGA rules concerning order of play)
When falling behind, pick up your ball and take no more shots on a hole if you have already scored a double-par on that hole
Don't wait for the course marshal to ask you to catch up, monitor your own play and keep up with the group ahead of you
Always assume that we will be playing golf, even when the weather looks ominous. Golf courses are rarely closed, although play can be delayed due to inclement weather. Rain checks are commonly provided when the weather is bad, but only if you show up at the course. If there is ever a question, always contact the course, and if the course is open for play, we will be there - ready, willing and able!
Golf Attire
Proper golf attire should be worn for all events. Most golf courses require men to wear shirts with collars (no T-shirts, no cutoffs). Most courses now require soft spikes or spikeless golf shoes. Remember to bring your rain gear if there is a threat of rain!