American Singles Golf Association (ASGA)
ASGA is a nationwide singles golf organization with headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. For more information about the ASGA organization, visit the National Chapter web site at - www.singlesgolf.com
The Washington DC Chapter
Singles Golf DC is the Washington DC Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association (ASGA). Originally founded and organized by Rich Wilhelm in 1999, Singles Golf DC has grown to be the premier singles-oriented golf group in the DC area. Currently comprised of single golfers from the Washington DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia area, it is one of the largest and most active ASGA Chapters.
We schedule different types of events throughout the year, although our main focus is golf. These events include outings at local Virginia and Maryland courses, happy hours, golf clinics, and weekend golf trips and monthly social events. During the golf season, golf outings are normally scheduled for Saturday and some Sundays with dinner usually following. We encourage new and seasoned golfers to join our group. Our sole purpose is to provide a venue for local singles to meet and mingle, while enjoying one of the best sports around - golf.
ASGA Chapters are self-managed and self-run, with the direction and support of the National Chapter. All local chapter officers and committee members are unpaid volunteers, who unselfishly devote their time so that all of us can enjoy this golf-oriented singles group. If you want to get involved, we encourage all members to run an event annually – either golf or social. Contact any board member to get started!
Elected positions are held for one year and are filled by a nomination and election process.
Following is a list of our Chapter Positions, as well as the general responsibilities for each of these positions. Details can be found in our bylaws.
The President presides over all official meetings of the club, supervises the affairs of the club and acts as CEO. The President also serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, appoints such committees as authorized by the Board of Directors,prepares and formulates a budget, and plans a smooth transition to the incoming administration.
Golf Chairs
The Golf Chairs are responsible for planning and scheduling our golf events. All events are run by volunteer Event Coordinators (EC) who do the bulk of the work guided by our EC Guidelines and the Golf Chairs. As you can see by our schedule, we have some amazing Golf Chairs and Event Coordinators!
Social Chair
The Social Chair is responsible for coordinating all socials and related areas. This includes membership meetings, Happy Hours, and special events. Again, our Social Chair relies on volunteer Event Coordinators to fill out our Social Calendar.
Membership Chair
The Membership Chair is responsible for membership growth, activation of new members, membership retention, and the current database and roster.
Communications Chair
The Communications Committee is responsible for the monthly newsletter, maintaining the website with all the updates to the schedule and recaps, and Facebook updates.
Chapter Secretary (Appointed by the President)
Responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Board.
Chapter Treasurer (Appointed by the President)
To have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of the chapter. He/she shall receive and give receipt for all monies due and payable to the chapter, shall deposit all receipts in the name of and to the account of the chapter or see that all receipts are so deposited.
2024 Officers and Committee Chairs
ASGA DC President - Sam Cappetta
Social Chair - Vacant
Communications - Chair B.J. Barger
Membership Chair - Kathie Hiatt
Treasurers - Rita Dailey
Secretary - Vacant
Special Assistant to the President - Ruth D'Alessandro (Mid Week Gold Coordinator)
Ginger Romano
Membership in ASGA is required to participate in the local or national chapter activities. We encourage guests to participate in events as prospective members to experience what the ASGA has to offer.
· Happy hours are open for all, and we encourage anyone who may be interested in joining to attend them.
· Guests who are contemplating membership are encouraged to attend up to two golf outings prior to joining
Member Communications
Members will receive email communications about chapter activates, events, and news via our mailing list.
Join the mailing by sending an email to ASGADCChapter+subscribe@groups.io.
Unsubscribe ASGADCChapter+unsubscribe@groups.io
Date Location Event Chair
8 Rocky Point George Salmon
15 Laurel Hill Suzanne McNicholas
22 Links at Challedon Cancelled
29 Raspberry Falls Leesa Weiss
4-6 Penn National Mark Hendrickson
13 Little Bennett BJ Barger
20 Herndon Greg Basheda
27 Links of Challedon Brian Durkin
3 Westfields Rita Daley
10 Blue Ridge Shadow Ilene Cook
17 Brambleton Scott Hall
24 Waverly Woods Ellie Hochman
31 Rattlewood Leesa Weiss
7 Needwood Marian Block
14 Woodlands George Salmon
21 Queenstown Harbor Todd Sheffer
28 Crossvines (Poolesville) Francine Vigliotti
5 Bull Run Betsy Pond
12 Richland Joe McCloskey
18-20 Willliamsburg Mark Hendrickson
26 Hampshire Greens Ilene Cook
23-30 Myrtle Beach Sharon Geyer