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Clustered Spires Golf Club was established in 1991, as the first public golf course in Frederick

County. The 185 acres on which Clustered Spires is located on what was formally a working

dairy farm, set along the side of the Monocacy River. The Monocacy River surrounds the golf

course on 3 sides, creating a beautiful setting while providing a natural barrier from outside

distractions. Clustered Spires received its name from the grouping of 5 very old and distinct

church steeples that make up the clustered spires of Frederick City’s skyline. The respected

design team of Ault Clark was hired to create a first class championship golf course for the

people of Frederick. The concept was to create a fun and enjoyable course from the regular tees

but a challenging competitive course reaching almost 7000 yards long from the back tees.

Clustered Spires, though in a rural setting, is only 2 miles from downtown Frederick City, making

Clustered Spires very conveniently located. With a county population of 300,000 and 13 golf

courses, Clustered Spires has earned ” Best of Frederick Golf Course” for the 3rd straight year

and our 17th time out of 20 years! Golf Digest awards Clustered Spires a 4 star rating. Clustered

Spires reputation is a great conditioned golf course with wonderful greens and considered the

best value golf course in central Maryland. We prove every day that you don’t have to charge the

most, to play the best! Please come and enjoy your next golfing day with us.


WHERE: Clustered Spires Golf Club

8415 Gas House Pike

Frederick, MD 21701


COST: $62.00 This includes golf, cart, CTP contests and the contribution to the ASGA

general fund.


DINNER: Brewers Alley
124 N. Market Street

Frederick, MD 21701


PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For reasons unknown to anyone with half a brain, Clustered Spires has decided to limit events such as ours to a maximum of 20 players. Last year this event had 37 players, so I anticipate demand will be high. If you want to play this event, PLEASE do the following:

Reply to me by e-mail indicating your interest in playing, as well as a yes or no for dinner. Include your phone number.

I will respond to you to let you know if you are in, or if you are on the waiting list. If you are in, send your check ASAP to the following address:

414 Navaho Drive Frederick, MD 21701

I don’t have electronic payment capabilities for this, so you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.

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