*Reston National Golf*
*Saturday, April 2, 2022*
*Spring has Sprung!*
Start spring off right with our ASGA golf outing to Reston National Golf
Course, a Nova Classic, designed by the legendary Ed Ault and managed by
the Virginia based Billy Casper Golf, located conveniently in Reston. We
promise we will have nice spring weather!
*Time:* Consecutive tee times for 28 players beginning at 11 am and every
10 mins following.
*Format:* Play your own ball and have a great time.
*Costs:* $75 This price includes greens fees, cart, practice balls, entry
into the End of Season raffle, and entry into the closest to the pin on the
par 3’s.
*Afterwards:* We’ll quickly gather in the clubhouse (so I can hand out the
closest to the pin awards), And for those that wish to join for dinner, we
will have reservations at a nearby restaurant (tbd).
*Your Response:* Please RSVP to this email (*jwparcher@gmail.com
<jwparcher@gmail.com>*) with the following:
1. Your Name
2. Avg score or handicap (for pairing purposes… If you want to be
paired with someone, please provide me with their name(s)).
3. If you wish to join us for dinner in afterwards
*Then either send to me in Venmo at @Jean-Wintemute or directly mail a
check for $75 made out to me, Jean Wintemute at:*
*My Mailing Address:*
Jean Wintemute
2252 Cedar Cove Ct.
Reston, Va. 20191
To guarantee your name in the pairings, checks must be received by Tuesday,
March 29th, 2022
Jean Wintemute
*Course Info:*
Reston National
11875 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Phone: (703) 620-9333 <(703)%20620-9333>
We have had a very quick response to play Reston National. As of now, the
28 tee times are filled up. I am asking Reston National for an additional
space for 8 more players. So far we have a few on the waiting list. I will
let you know as soon as I find out from Reston National. Since not all
will be joining us for dinner, prizes for closest to pin will be handed out
at Reston National after we all finish playing. Reston National has
remodeled their club house and has a nice bar and lunch menu for those that
are waiting for the rest to finish their rounds.
And announcement for dinner location. I have secured a private room at
Reds Table in Reston on Lake Thoreau in the South Lakes shopping center.
Here is a link to the restaurant and their menu:
Red's Table also has a wonderful bar along with fresh farm to table