Welcome to the Washington DC Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association (ASGA-DC). We are the largest golf-oriented, singles organization in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area.
Here's our 2024 schedule. Are you willing to lead an event? We still need volunteers. Contact Rick Goheen ;
Looking for golf partners? Use our Facebook page at Singles Golf ASGA/DC to learn more.
If you and your single friends are interested in social golf, you will want to join the fun! Not a member? Come to one of our Happy Hours or golf outings. For more information send an email to our Chapter President Sam Cappetta.
Date Location Event Chair
8 Rocky Point George Salmon
15 Laurel Hill Suzanne McNicholas
22 Links at Challedon Cancelled
29 Raspberry Falls Leesa Weiss
4-6 Penn National Mark Hendrickson
13 Little Bennett BJ Barger
20 Herndon Greg Basheda
27 Links of Challedon Brian Durkin
3 Westfields Rita Daley
10 Blue Ridge Shadow Ilene Cook
17 Brambleton Scott Hall
24 Waverly Woods Ellie Hochman
31 Rattlewood Leesa Weiss
7 Needwood Marian Block
14 Woodlands George Salmon
21 Queenstown Harbor Todd Sheffer
28 Crossvines (Poolesville) Francine Vigliotti
5 Bull Run Betsy Pond
12 Richland Joe McCloskey
18-20 Willliamsburg Mark Hendrickson
26 Hampshire Greens Ilene Cook
23-30 Myrtle Beach Sharon Geyer