What improvements would you like to see in our golf league?
I can’t say that I have any suggestions for improvements, my issue is was having volunteered for Wolf trap on Saturday nights, which didn’t allow me to play in many of the events on the weekend and most of the week day golf seems to fall on a Tuesday or Thursday and I play in leagues both of those days. FASTER PLAY
Recruiting more people.
I didn't play with the DC chapter because i.prefer to play only 9 holes. I belonged to the Sarasota group until 2023 when I moved here. Initially played 18 holes but the last few years they formed a 9 hole group. I let my subscription lapse here and probably won't join the chapter again for this reason.
More social events
Faster play
More events in Virginia
I think all the events that I attended were handled very well and the EC all did a fabulous job. I do have reservations about signing up for weekend events that could be rained out and a required attendance in order to get a rain check.
Eliminate raffle contribution requirement.
Better coordination between weekday and weekend events to avoid playing the same course for both (weekday and weekend) within a relatively short time.
Figure out ways to bring in your players. Mix - up teams more. Seems like couples always play together.
To find ways to increase attendance.
Recruit younger members
no recommendations. you all do a fine job
Perhaps a mentor or buddy program to help recruit - not everyone is comfortable just showing up to play and not knowing anyone. I am thinking very low key- maybe a phone call and someone to know in one’s foursome the first time out.
Development of a marketing plan to make more golfers aware of the organization; using Zelle for payments to ECs; earlier weekend tee times (10am?)
More social events.
More social outings
More members and more participation, more weekday, weekend golf leaders, more balance between Maryland and Virginia courses. Charlie and I made sure we had an equal number of MD, VA courses
More players
Players being ready to go on time.....not arriving 5 min before tee time. Sets a bad vibe for the round. Increased membership. That's a hard one.
social events other than happy hours in VA
Social chair and return to social events.
More participation from people volunteering to host events and grow membership
ECs keep any special requests private.
*Bring back the policy if someone requests to be paired with you, the EC should not do it without both parties consent. * No married people that are not legally separated playing in weekend events especially if not communicated to the chapter.
Not paying by and sending in checks. I love weekday golf because courses are not as crowded. I do realize that option is available more easily for the retirees in the group.
Due to the cost of weekend golf in the area, I now prefer weekday events.
More Maryland courses