What were your favorite three course we played in 2024? Briefly explain:
woodlands, love the course and easy to get to, Myrtle beach courses, Stonewall. Unfortunately, I didn’t play very much in 2024 as I started volunteering at Wolf Trap on Saturday nights and the couple times I did. I couldn’t even finish the 18 holes even though they were horses in Virginia.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to play in 2024 but intend to do so in 2025.
Stonewall, Myrtle Beach
Queenstown, Whiskey Creek, Myrtle Beach Like to play courses hard to get on myself
crosvines, Westfield, Links of Challidon
Laurel Hill, Westfield, courses in Myrtle Beach
Twin Lakes, HERNDON Centennial, Needwood
Herndon Centennial, Twin Lakes, penderbrook
Stonewall, Westfields, Queenstown
Needwood, laytonsville & oak creek
I dont know if you played them but my favorite are Bull Run, Stonewall, and Bristow Manor
Blue Ridge Shadows. Raspberry falls.
Rocky Point, The Woodlands, Whiskey Creek
No opinion
Courses in Virginia
Blue Mash - good condition; Clustered Spires - great views when it doesn’t rain; the course we play at George and Annette’s outing because they are great hosts and the views are beautifuk
Rocky Point - dinner afterwards, Queenstown, Little Bennett
Brambleton, Westfields, Raspberry
Poolsville, Hampshire Greens, Westfield
Raspberry Falls Would like to see Trump, Whiskey Creek added
Penn National - 2 nice courses in great condition and somewhat challenging . Raspberry Falls - pricy but interesting layout. Needwood - nice public course
Whiskey Creek, Stonewall, Blue Mash, great conditions, beautiful courses
Stonewall - great course and value. Westfields - gives women Sr tee option, Queenstown - nice course, beautiful setting, I wish we played Musket Ridge but its gotten pricey.
Whiskey Creek - Course condition and layout; Needwood - layout; Preserve at Eisenhour - Layout and Condition
I didn't get to play but Whiskey Creek and Blue Mash rank high for me. Stoewall is great but I play there a lot. My only disappointment was Bull Run. I'm just happy to have the opportunity to play.
Raspberry Falls, Needwood
Whiskey Creek, beautiful and worth the price; Rattlewood, Woodlands
Raspberry Falls and Whiskey Creek - always in good condition, challenging but not too hard. Rocky Point - pretty views/great party. Penn National - always a blast.
Stonewall. Raspberry Falls.
Whiskey Creek, Maryland National, Kingsmill Resort-River Course
I’m in the ASGA for the social events.
Stonewall, Blue Ridge Shadows Laurel Hills. I did not play often in 2024 because I was selling my house and downsizing to a condo.
played less than 3-out of town member
Links at Challendon, Hampshire Greens, Laurel Hill
Whiskey Creek (layout), Little Bennett (close to home), Queenstown Harbor (layout)
Needwood, Northwest, landsdown
In addition to the closest to the pin contest, would you like to see additional games? e.g. longest drive, straightest drive, team events, hole in one pool.
Team events
Maybe team events and straightest drive, longest drive only certain people get to win all the time so that is an event I don’t like and I don’t like anything that everyone doesn’t have an equal opportunity to win as we’re only playing for fun,
Long Drive
Closest to the pin is fine
Closest to pin should be a voluntary pool if someone wants to participate.
More team events: 6-6-6 or Round Robin. For indiduals: Bingo Bango.
Straightest drive, team events
I would like to see some team events and maybe longest putt made on selected holes.
no opinion
Longest drive; maybe some of season-long competition
If it's going to increase the price, then no.
I think there should only be one event per outing I.e closest to pin, straightest drive, longest put on a certain hole.
CTP only - to give everyone a chance. Maybe fewest putts, but it's more for the EC to do. Team events only work if ALL players have VALID handicaps which is not true in ASGA, so its a non-starter. The other contests listed would tend to go to the same few players which isn't right when everyone must contribute to the prize $ pot.
Indecisive. I think the organizers have enough to deal with without adding more responsibility.
Possibly, but no hole in one pool
occasional team events
Sure. Longest putt. No need for HIO kitty. IMHO making HIO is reward in itself. And I have yet to get a drink from HIO recipient which is kind of a tradition (Been present twice)
No opinion
CTP contests should be optional rather than mandatory. For those who don't want to participate, they are forced to do so by the cost of the event.
Team events would be fun
hole in 1 pool
None that I can think of