Rocky Point
Hopefully, we will have better weather by then. This event has become quite
popular despite the long drive for
those of you living in DC and northern Virginia. It is the only event
where food is prepared by a gourmet chef and drinks
are provided for only $30 plus you get to take leftovers home with you.
Rocky Point is a player friendly course with huge
greens, beautiful views of Chesapeake Bay and various wildlife.
1935 Back River Neck Road, Essex, MD 21221
410-887-0215 Menu location #3
Par 72 White tees 6312 yards, Combo tees 6056 yards, Gold tees 5621 yards,
Red tees 5303 yards.
FORMAT: Play your own ball and 4 closest to the pins for both men and
women on all Par 3's.
COSTS: $72 only $3 more than last year. Range balls included. No
reduction for walkers, sorry. If you come back to
our place for dinner and drinks afterwards add $30 for a total of $102.
TIME: 8 consecutive tee times starting at 12 noon for 32 players.
AFTER GOLF INFO: Hosts, Annette McGuire (410-258-7865) and George Salmon
(410-218-7630). We invite you to
join us for dinner at our place 1627 Park Drive, Dundalk, MD 21222 about 20
minutes away for chef prepared meals
including 2 entrees, veggies, salads, dessert, beer, wine and soft drinks
on our deck, lawn or pier for only $30 per person.
RESERVE: by emailing me at gsalmon81@gmail.com Let me know if you are
staying for dinner.
Leesa Weiss and Ilene Cook, you don't need to answer since you are on my
list already.
PAYMENT: You can Zelle me the $72 if golf only or $102 if staying for
dinner to my phone #410-218-7630.
If you are sending a check, mail it to me at 1627 Park Drive, Dundalk, MD